17th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium (2014) Wednesday

17th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium(2014)

Monday Sep 8, 2014 Tuesday Sep 9, 2014 Wednesday Sep 10, 2014


Wednesday September 10, 2014 SessionsWetting

Session Leaders:
Pirouz Kavehpour, UCLA and Terry Blake, Universities of Mons


Wetting and Adsorption Fundamentals
Ramon Cerro, University of Alabama in Hunts, Elena Diaz Martin, Universidad de Salamanca and Michael D. Savage, Leeds University
Coating Flow and De-wetting on Porous Materials
Leonard Schwartz, Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Delaware
Forced Wetting and Hydrodynamic Assist
Terence D. Blake, Guillaume Doyen, Juan-Carlos Fernandez-Tolendano, and Joël De Coninck, Laboratory of Surface and Interfacial Physics University of Mons
Stochastic Theory of Dynamic Wetting
Edwin J. Lightfoot, DuPont Yerkes Research Laboratory
Young’s Equation at the Nanoscale
Joël De Coninck, David Seveno and Terry Blake, University of Mons
Cold-Induced Spreading of Water Drops on Hydrophobic Surfaces
Faryar Tavakoli and Pirouz Kavehpour, UCLA
Free Surface Profile of Evaporative Liquids at the Vicinity of the Contact Line
Sammy Houssainy and Pirouz Kavehpour, University of California, Los Angeles
Electrohydrodynamic Effects on the Spreading of Liquid Films
Andrew Corbett and Satish Kumar, University of Minnesota
Parametric Study of the Dynamics of Partial Wetting
Alireza Mohammad Karim and Pirouz Kavehpour University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)


Coating Application Processes (Continued)Session Leaders:
Ike Devries, Holst Centre/TNO and Philip Scharfer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
High Speed, High Resolution Coating Inspection
Timothy A. Potts, Dark Field Technologies, Inc.
Functional Glass Developed by Liquid Coating
Liang Liang and Suresh Devisetti, Guardian Ind Corp
Study of Water-Based Coatings for 3D Printed Parts<
Jenny Zhu, Stratasys Inc., Julia Chen, Robert Lade, Wieslaw Suszynski, and Lorraine Francis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Science, University of Minnesota
Printing Versus Coating Technology – Which Way Printed Electronics With Solution Coating will go?
Frank Schafer, Andrea Glawe and Dr. Daniel Eggerath, KROENERT GmbH & Co KG
Photoresist with Ultrasonic Atomization Allows for High-Aspect-Ratio Photolithography under Atmospheric Conditions
Robb Engle, Sono-Tek Corporation, Shane Ketcham, Sono-Tek Corporation and Mike Delia, Sono-Tek Corporation, Senior at Worcester Polytechnic Inst.
A new trend of wet coating technology from mass production to ubiquitous applications
An-Bang Wang, Yi-Kuang Yen, Yu-Wen Hsieh, Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University
Numerical Investigation of the Onset of Air Entrainment in Forward Roll Coating
Isabell Vogeler, Andreas Olbers, Bettina Willinger and Antonio Delgado, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, FA University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Coating of Cellulose Nanofibers Suspensions on Paper
Finley Richmond and Doug Bousfield, University of Maine
Novel Methods for Fabricating Embedded Printed Metal Lines in Plastic
Ankit Mahajan, C. Daniel Frisbie, and Lorraine F. Francis, University of Minnesota


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