The Symposium is divided into two tracks. Attendees may choose sessions from either track.
This is a preliminary agenda and is subject to change.
Sunday, September 7, 2014 |
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM |
RegistrationLocation: Sunset Foyer
Track: |
Short Course |
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM |
Prof. Terry Blake, Universities of Mons
Prof. Douglas W. Bousfield, University of Maine Dr. E. J. (Ted) Lightfoot, DuPont Location: Cardiff Room
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM |
RegistrationLocation: Sunset Foyer
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM |
Executive Board MeetingLocation: La Jolla Board Room
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM |
Networking SessionLocation: Carlsbad
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM |
Welcome ReceptionLocation: Ocean Blue Lawn
Monday, September 8, 2014 |
7:00 AM – 4:30 PM |
RegistrationLocation: Sunset Foyer
7:15 AM – 8:00 AM |
Speaker BreakfastLocation: Carlsbad B
Attendee BreakfastLocation: Grand Pacific Ballroom B
Sessions: |
Coating for Energy ApplicationsSession Leaders: Brian Higgins, University of California, Davis and Ted Lightfoot, DuPont
Location: Sunset A |
8:00 AM |
Welcome and Opening Remarks |
8:15 AM |
Thin Film Solar Cells From Colloidal Nanocrystal CoatingsEray Aydil, University of Minnesota
8:55 AM |
Processing of Solar Absorber Coatings From Nanocrystal DispersionsBryce William, Eray S. Aydil and Lorraine F. Francis, University of Minnesota
9:15 AM |
Fully Organic Water-Based Coatings, With High Thermoelectric Power Factor, That Convert Waste Heat Into Useful VoltageJaime C. Grunlan and Prof. Choongho Yu, Texas A&M University
9:35 AM |
BreakLocation: Sunset Foyer
Sessions: |
Coating for Energy Applications (Continued)Session Leaders: Brian Higgins, University of California, Davis and Ted Lightfoot, DuPont
Location: Sunset A |
10:05 AM |
Coatings for Energy Applications – Fundamental Research and Model Based Scale-UpPhillip Scharfer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
10:45 AM |
Rapid Processing of Semiconductors for Photovoltaics Using Intense Pulsed LightThad Druffel, University of Louisville
11:05 AM |
Influence of Drying Rate on Li-Ion Battery AnodesMichael Baunach, S. Jaiser, P. Scharfer and W. Schabel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
11:25 AM |
Conductive Coatings and Fibers from Nanoscale CarbonMatteo Pasquali and Francesca Mirri, Rice University
12:05 PM – 2:00 PM |
LunchLocation: Grand Pacific Ballroom B
Sessions: |
Coating Process FundamentalsSession Leaders: Ramon Cerro, University of Alabama in Hunts and Michael Joos, Corning Inc.
Location: Sunset A |
Solidification and Microstructure DevelopmentSession Leaders: Lorraine Francis, University of Minnesota and Matteo Pasquali, Rice University
Location: Sunset B |
2:15 PM |
Viscous Heating Effects in Slot-Die CoatingBrian G. Higgins, University of California, Davis
Periodic Uniform Linear Crack Formation During Convective DepositionJames Gilchrist and Alexander L. Weldon, Lehigh University, Alexander F. Routh, University of Cambridge
2:35 PM |
Analysis of Slot Coating Flow Under Tilted DieSemi Lee and Jaewook Nam, Sungkyunkwan University
Influence of the Drying Conditions on the Distribution of PS and SiO2 Nanoparticles in Waterborne PVA CoatingsSusanna Baesch, Philip Scharfer and Wilhelm Schabel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kyle Price and Loraine Francis, University of Minnesota
2:55 PM |
Response of Two-Layer Slot Coating Flows to Periodic External DisturbancesDanmer Maza and M. S. Carvalho, PUC-Rio
Drying Particle/Polymer Suspensions In-Situ Monitored by Vertical Small Angle X-Ray ScatteringSunhyung Kim, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kyu Hyun, Pusan National University, Bernd Struth, DESY, Kyung Hyun Ahn, Seoul National University and Christian Clasen, KU Leuven
3:15 PM |
Simultaneous Multilayer Coating of Miscible SolutionsRyo Horiuchi, Asahi Kasei Corporation, Satish Kumar and Wieslaw J. Suszynski
Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Marcio S. Carvalho, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Brazil |
Particle Layer Formation of Gelled Clay Particle Dispersions During DryingYoshiyuki Komoda, Shigeyuki Kobayashi, Hiroshi Suzuki and Ruri Hidema, Kobe University
3:35 PM |
Slot Coating of Particle SuspensionSimone Bochner de Araujo and M. S. Carvalho, PUC-Rio
Particle Tracking as a Tool for Local, Real-Time Analysis of Sag in Drying CoatingsRobert K. Lade, Jr., Jin-Oh Song, Austin Musliner, Christopher W. Macosko, and Lorraine F. Francis, University of Minnesota
3:55 PM |
Streak Formation During Convective DepositionAlexander L. Weldon and James Gilchrist, Lehigh University
The Drying Behavior of Hard Particulate CoatingsYan Wu, Kyle K. Price, Alon V. McCormick and Lorraine Francis, University of Minnesota
4:15 PM |
BreakLocation: Sunset Foyer
4:45 PM – 6:30 PM |
Location: Grand Ballroom
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 |
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
RegistrationLocation: Sunset Foyer
7:15 AM – 8:15 AM |
Speaker BreakfastLocation: Carlsbad A
Attendee BreakfastLocation: Grand Pacific Ballroom B
Sessions: |
Coating Process FundamentalsSession Leaders: Randall Schunk, University of New Mexico and James Gilchrist, Lehigh University
Location: Sunset A |
Solidification and Microstructure DevelopmentSession Leaders: Wilhelm Schabel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Masato Yamamurs, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Location: Sunset B |
8:15 AM |
Direct Thickness Measurement of Doctor-Bladed Liquid Film on Gravure Roll SurfaceHidenobu Miura and M. Yamamura Kyushu Institute of Technology
New Concept of a Batch Drying Unit Using a Comb Nozzle Structured Array of Impinging JetsPhilipp Cavadini, Wilhelm Schabel and Philip Scharfer, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Benjamin Schmidt-Hansberg and Christian Eichholz, Institute of Thermal Process Engineering, Thin Film Technology (TFT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
8:35 AM |
Visualization Study of Flow Stability in Two Layer Reverse Roll TransferMasato Sasaki, JFE Steel Corporation, Wieslaw J. Suszynski and Lorraine F. Francis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Marcio S. Carvalho, Department of Mechanical Engineering Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro
The Effect of Film Thickness on the Depth-Wise Chain Orientation of Rigid Rod-Like PolyimideByoung Wook Jo and Kyung Hyun Ahn, Seoul National University
8:55 AM |
Web-Fluid Interactions During Printing and CoatingHarrison Gates and Doug Bousfield, University of Maine
Self-Assembly of Conjugated Molecules in Drying Solution CoatingsYuta Amano and Masato Yamamurs, Kyushu Institute of Technology
9:15 AM |
Toward an Understanding of Electrostatic Assist: Electrohydrodynamic Deformation of Thin Liquid Films Near Surfaces With TopographyAruna Ramkrishnan and Satish Kumar, University of Minnesota
Freezing of Supercooled Water Drops on Cold Solid Substrates: Initiation and MechanismH. Pirouz Kavehpour, UCLA, Stephen H. Davis, Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University
9:35 AM |
BreakLocation: Sunset Foyer
Sessions: |
Coating Process Fundamentals (Continued)Session Leaders: Randall Schunk, University of New Mexico and James Gilchrist, Lehigh University
Location: Sunset A |
Solidification and Microstructure Development (Continued)Session Leaders: Wilhelm Schabel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Masato Yamamurs, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Location: Sunset B |
10:05 AM |
Structural Mechanics of Roll-to-Roll Nanoimprint LithographyKristianto Tjiptowidjojo and P. Randall Schunk, University of New Mexico
Investigating the Influence of Particle Morphology on the Performance of Core-Shell LatexesKyle Price, University of Minnesota, Wenjun Wu, Arkema, Inc., Kurt Wood, Arkema, Inc., Stephanie Kong, University of Minnesota, Alon McCormick, University of Minnesota,
Lorraine Francis, University of Minnesota |
10:25 AM |
Multi-Phase Flow Model of the Jet-and-Flash Imprint Lithography (J-FIL) ProcessAndrew Cochrane, Kristianto Tjiptowidjojo and P. Randall Schunk, University of New Mexico, Akhilesh Jain and Roger T. Bonnecaze, University of Texas at Austin
Microstructure and Performance of Block Copolymer Modified Epoxy CoatingsTuoqi Li, Frank S. Bates and Lorraine F. Francis, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
10:45 AM |
Numerical Simulation of the Dip Coating Process with Wall Effects on the Coating Film ThicknessMahyar Javidi Soufiani, Andrew N. Hrymak, Western University
Experimental Investigation on Multicomponent Mass Transport During Drying of Ternary and Quaternary Polymer SolutionsDavid Siebel, Wilhelm Schabel and Philip Scharfer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
11:05 AM |
Nanostructure and Properties of Solution Processed Oxide Semiconductor Films for Thin Film Transistors or Transparent Conductive ElectrodesYoshiko TSUJI, Naoya TSUTSUMI, Katsutoshi MORIYA and Yukio YAMAGUCHI , The University of Tokyo
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer Coefficient Distribution Under Arrays of Impinging Jets With Local Removal of the Spent FluidPhilipp Cavadini, Philip Scharfer and Wilhelm Schabel, Karlsruher Institue for Technology
11:25 AM |
Analysis of Geometric Modeling of Slot Die LipsNaoki Rikita, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation RYOTEC
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field in Thin Films During Drying Under Impinging JetsPhilipp Cavadini, Philip Scharfer and Wilhelm Schabel, Karlsruher Institute for Technology
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM |
Awards LunchLocation: Grand Pacific Ballroom B
Sessions: |
Flow and Solidification of Particulate CoatingSession Leaders: Doug Bousfield, University of Maine and Len Schwartz, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Location: Sunset A |
Coating Application ProcessesSession Leaders: Professor Hadj Benkreira, School of Engineering, University of Bradford and Ta-Jo Liu, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University
Location: Sunset B |
2:15 PM |
Forced Spreading and Evaporation of Films and Droplets of Colloidal SuspensionsLeonardo Espín and Satish Kumar, Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota
Intermittent Slot Die Coating of Low Viscous SoulutionsIke de Vries, Holst Centre/TNO
2:35 PM |
Deposition of Non-Templated Cubic Colloidal CrystalsMidhun Joy, Tanyakorn Muangnapoh, Mark A. Snyder, and James F. Gilchrist, Lehigh University
New Intermitting Concepts for Slot Die Coating of Li-Ion Battery ElectrodesMarcel Schmitt, Philip Scharfer, Ralf Diehm and Wilhelm Schabel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Thermal Process Engineering, Thin Film Technology (TFT)
2:55 PM |
Direct Numerical Simulation of the Dynamics of Colloidal Particles With Adsorptive Solute TransportRei Tatsumi, Osamu Koike, and Yukio Yamaguchi, The University of Tokyo
Intermittent CoatingMark Miller, Coating Tech Slot Dies
3:15 PM |
Mode Transition of Condensed Colloidal Solutions Under Shear FlowYukio Yamaguchi and Osamu Koike, The University of Tokyo
Multilayer Slot Coating – First Experiences With Battery SlurriesHarald Doell, TSE Troller AG
3:35 PM |
BreakLocation: Sunset Foyer
Sessions: |
Printing and Discrete CoatingSession Leaders: Yukio Yamaguchi, The University of Tokyo and Mikhaill Pekurovsky, 3M Corporate Research Process Lab
Location: Sunset A |
Coating Application Processes (Continued)Session Leaders: Professor Hadj Benkreira, School of Engineering, University of Bradford and Ta-Jo Liu, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University
Location: Sunset B |
4:05 PM |
In-Line Measurement of Velocity Synchronization Between Contact Surfaces in Offset PrintingDongwoo Kang, Hyunchang Kim, Eonseok Lee, Seunghyun Lee, Young-Man Choi and Taik-Min Lee, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
Multilayer Slot Die Coating of Li-Ion Battery ElectrodesMarcel Schmitt, Philip Scharfer and Wilhelm Schabel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Thermal Process Engineering, Thin Film Technology (TFT)
4:25 PM |
Contact Angle and Inertia Effects on the Instability of Partially Wetting Liquid Rivulets. Finite Element AnalysisSebastian Ubal, Diego M. Campana,Mar´ia D. Giavedoni, Fernando A. Saita, INTEC UNL-CONICET and Paul Grassia,The University of Manchester
Analytical Prediction of the Behavior of Multiple Roll Coaters With Counter-Rotating Deformable RollsBettina Willinger, Isabell Vogeler and Antonio Delgado, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, FA University Erlangen-Nuremberg
4:45 PM |
A Comparative Study on the Behaviour of Coated and Inkjet Printed Photo-Responsive Textiles for Conventional and High-Tech ApplicationsShah M. Reduwan Billah, Durham University
Reverse Roll Coating at Negative Gaps: Model and Supporting DataHadj Benkreira, School of Engineering, University of Bradford, Yusuke Shibata, School of Engineering, University of Bradford and Films R &D Center, Katsuya Ito, Films R &D Center
5:05 PM |
Three Dimensional Numerical Simulations of the Liquid Transfer Between a Cavity and a Moving RollDiego M. Campana, Sebastián Ubal, Maria D. Giavedoni, Fernando A. Saita, INTEC-CONICET and Marcio S. Carvalho, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Slot Die Coating of Silver Nanowires Solutions to Make Transparent Conductive FilmsTa-Jo Liu, Department of Chemical Engineering National Tsing Hua University
5:25 PM |
Optimization of Aerosol Jet Printing for High Resolution, High Aspect Ratio SilverAnkit Mahajan, C. Daniel Frisbie, and Lorraine F. Francis, University of Minnesota
Analysis of Transparent Conductive AgNw Film by Dip Coating FlowKwangguk Ahn, Onyu Kim, Dongjae Kim and Jaewook Nam, Sungkyunkwan University
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM |
ReceptionLocation: Palm Courtyard/Pool Area
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 |
7:00 AM – 12:00 PM |
RegistrationLocation: Sunset Foyer
7:15 AM – 8:15 AM |
Speaker BreakfastLocation: Carlsbad A
Attendee BreakfastLocation: Grand Pacific Ballroom B
Sessions: |
WettingSession Leaders: Pirouz Kavehpour, UCLA and Terry Blake, Universities of Mons
Location: Sunset A |
Coating Application Processes (Continued)Session Leaders: Ike Devries, Holst Centre/TNO and Philip Scharfer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Location: Sunset B |
8:15 AM |
Wetting and Adsorption FundamentalsRamon Cerro, University of Alabama in Hunts, Elena Diaz Martin, Universidad de Salamanca and Michael D. Savage, Leeds University
High Speed, High Resolution Coating InspectionTimothy A. Potts, Dark Field Technologies, Inc.
8:35 AM |
Coating Flow and De-wetting on Porous MaterialsLeonard Schwartz, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Functional Glass Developed by Liquid CoatingLiang Liang and Suresh Devisetti, Guardian Ind Corp
8:55 AM |
Forced Wetting and Hydrodynamic AssistTerence D. Blake, Guillaume Doyen, Juan-Carlos Fernandez-Tolendano, and Joël De Coninck, Laboratory of Surface and Interfacial Physics University of Mons
Study of Water-Based Coatings for 3D Printed PartsJenny Zhu, Stratasys Inc., Julia Chen, Robert Lade, Wieslaw Suszynski, and Lorraine Francis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Science, University of Minnesota
9:15 AM |
Stochastic Theory of Dynamic WettingEdwin J. Lightfoot, DuPont Yerkes Research Laboratory
Printing Versus Coating Technology – Which Way Printed Electronics With Solution Coating will go?Frank Schafer, Andrea Glawe and Dr. Daniel Eggerath, KROENERT GmbH & Co KG
9:35 AM |
BreakLocation: Sunset Foyer
Sessions: |
Wetting (Continued)Session Leaders: Pirouz Kavehpour, UCLA and Terry Blake, Universities of Mons
Location: Sunset A |
Coating Application Processes (ContinuedSession Leaders: Ike Devries, Holst Centre/TNO and Philip Scharfer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Location: Sunset B |
10:05 AM |
Young’s Equation at the NanoscaleJoël De Coninck, David Seveno and Terry Blake, University of Mons
Photoresist with Ultrasonic Atomization Allows for High-Aspect-Ratio Photolithography under Atmospheric ConditionsRobb Engle, Sono-Tek Corporation, Shane Ketcham, Sono-Tek Corporation and Mike Delia, Sono-Tek Corporation, Senior at Worcester Polytechnic Inst.
10:25 AM |
Cold-Induced Spreading of Water Drops on Hydrophobic SurfacesFaryar Tavakoli and Pirouz Kavehpour, UCLA
A new trend of wet coating technology from mass production to ubiquitous applicationsAn-Bang Wang, Yi-Kuang Yen, Yu-Wen Hsieh, Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University
10:45 AM |
Free Surface Profile of Evaporative Liquids at the Vicinity of the Contact LineSammy Houssainy and Pirouz Kavehpour, University of California, Los Angeles
Numerical Investigation of the Onset of Air Entrainment in Forward Roll CoatingIsabell Vogeler, Andreas Olbers, Bettina Willinger and Antonio Delgado, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, FA University Erlangen-Nuremberg
11:05 AM |
Electrohydrodynamic Effects on the Spreading of Liquid FilmsAndrew Corbett and Satish Kumar, University of Minnesota
Coating of Cellulose Nanofibers Suspensions on PaperFinley Richmond and Doug Bousfield, University of Maine
11:25 AM |
Parametric Study of the Dynamics of Partial WettingAlireza Mohammad Karim and Pirouz Kavehpour University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
Novel Methods for Fabricating Embedded Printed Metal Lines in PlasticAnkit Mahajan, C. Daniel Frisbie, and Lorraine F. Francis, University of Minnesota