European Coating Symposium 2007 (Paris, France)
Wednesday Sep 12, 2007 | Thursday Sep 13, 2007 | Friday Sep 14, 2007 |
Wednesday September 12, 2007 Sessions
Poster Session 2
Formation of hydroxypropylated starch films; Structure evolution during casting | D. Lafargue, J-L. Doublier, D. Lourdin | INRA |
Unidirectional flow of a thin rivulet of perfectly wetting fluid subject to a prescribed uniform longitudinal shear stress at its free surface | J. M. Sullivan, S. K. Wilson, B. R. Duffy | University of Strathclyde |
Modeling film flows down fibers | C. Ruyer-Quil, S. Kalliadasis, P. M. J. Trevelyan, F. Giorgiutti-Dauphine, C. Duprat | FAST – UMR CNRS |
Static and dynamic contact lines: Phase field modelling | R. Borcia, M. Besterhorn | Brandenburgische Technische Universitat |
Surface instability on thin fluid layers of a binary mixture | I. D. Borcia, M. Bestehorn | Brandenburgische Technische Universitat |
Electrified viscous film flow over inclined substrates | D. Tseluiko, M. G. Blyth, D. T. Papageorgiou, and J.-M. Vanden-Broeck | University of East Anglia |
Decomposition in and dewetting of films of binary mixtures | S. Madruga, U. Thiele | Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Surface segregation of bimodal suspensions induced by drying | F. Lequeux, F. Magnin, J.C. Castaing | Rhodia Recherches |
Stability analysis of stratified coating flow of shear-thinning fluids | S. Millet, F. Rousset, V. Botton, H. Ben Hadid | INSA de Lyon |
Density distributions and diffusivities – Implications for slip at solid- liquid interfaces | E. Bertrand, T. D. Blake, J. De Coninck | University of Mons-Hainaut |
Advancing contact lines in presence of colloids. | E. Rio, G. Berteloot, A. Daerr, F. Lequeux, L. Limat | Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes, UMR 7057 of CNRS |
SESSION 1: Drops
SESSION 2: Drying