European Coating Symposium 2007 (Paris, France) – Poster Session 2

European Coating Symposium 2007 (Paris, France)

Wednesday Sep 12, 2007 Thursday Sep 13, 2007 Friday Sep 14, 2007


Wednesday September 12, 2007 Sessions
Poster Session 2
Formation of hydroxypropylated starch films; Structure evolution during casting D. Lafargue, J-L. Doublier, D. Lourdin INRA
Unidirectional flow of a thin rivulet of perfectly wetting fluid subject to a prescribed uniform longitudinal shear stress at its free surface J. M. Sullivan, S. K. Wilson, B. R. Duffy University of Strathclyde
Modeling film flows down fibers C. Ruyer-Quil, S. Kalliadasis, P. M. J. Trevelyan, F. Giorgiutti-Dauphine, C. Duprat FAST – UMR CNRS
Static and dynamic contact lines: Phase field modelling R. Borcia, M. Besterhorn Brandenburgische Technische Universitat
Surface instability on thin fluid layers of a binary mixture I. D. Borcia, M. Bestehorn Brandenburgische Technische Universitat
Electrified viscous film flow over inclined substrates D. Tseluiko, M. G. Blyth, D. T. Papageorgiou, and J.-M. Vanden-Broeck University of East Anglia
Decomposition in and dewetting of films of binary mixtures S. Madruga, U. Thiele Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Surface segregation of bimodal suspensions induced by drying F. Lequeux, F. Magnin, J.C. Castaing Rhodia Recherches
Stability analysis of stratified coating flow of shear-thinning fluids S. Millet, F. Rousset, V. Botton, H. Ben Hadid INSA de Lyon
Density distributions and diffusivities – Implications for slip at solid- liquid interfaces E. Bertrand, T. D. Blake, J. De Coninck University of Mons-Hainaut
Advancing contact lines in presence of colloids. E. Rio, G. Berteloot, A. Daerr, F. Lequeux, L. Limat Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes, UMR 7057 of CNRS
SESSION 1: Drops
SESSION 2: Drying

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