ISCST Award for the Best Student Poster – Poster Abstracts Accepted Until July 16, 2018

ISCST will continue offering an award for the Best Student Poster at the 2018 Symposium in Long Beach, CA from September 16-19, 2018.  The poster session will be held on Monday, September 17th, and the winner will be announced during the symposium. To be eligible for this award the presenter of a poster must be a student.  The winner of this award will receive a $250 cash prize.  The ISCST also announces that the deadline for submitting poster abstracts has been extended to July 16, 2018.  Abstracts for poster presentations can be submitted via the ISCST website.  Students can also register for the symposium at a significantly reduced rate.

The ISCST Symposium provides a forum for scientists and engineers from around the world to present and discuss the latest developments and discoveries in the application and solidification of thin liquid films.  The Symposium features contributions from experts in both academia and industry on topics ranging from fundamental processing science to more applied research and development.  The Symposium includes a broad range of coating process science and technology, and impacts many industries.

The 2018 Symposium will be at the Hilton Long Beach, Long Beach CA, and will feature a plenary session on coating and drying applications for flexible electronics, battery technologies and more.  The technical sessions will include Coating Fundamentals, Drying and Curing Fundamentals, Coating Applications, Microstructure Development and Film Defects, Flow and Solidification of Particulate Coatings, Printing and Discrete Coatings, and Wetting.  Poster topics can be from these and other related topics.


Categories: ISCST Symposium

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